Infographic Gallery - 4 Ways to Get Mum and Dad Closer to Me

“Oh, they wanna talk about my grades in examination again!” Sound familiar? Want a way out?
4 Ways to Get Mum and Dad Closer to Me/WHAT WE MAY BE THINKING/Oh, they wanna talk about my grades in examination again!/If they say ‘This is the best for you’, I’ll run out of here!Suppress Me!Sound familiar? Want a way out?/Active listening/Don’t make a prior judgment/Try to understand their point of view/Respect them/Wait to respond till they’ve finished/Express ourselves/Tell them:That we are aware of what they are worrying about/What we don’t understand/About our thoughtsBut we may still find out…/They still don’t understand me!They disagree with me again!But remember:The purpose of sincere communication is not to convince our parents to fully agree with us, but to at least enable them to better understand us!/Appreciate their care/Thank you/Mum and Dad!